This repository is no longer maintained in favor of Official Apache Atlas’ python client:

Apache Atlas Client in Python Documentation Status Updates

Apache Atlas client in Python. Only compatible with Apache Atlas REST API v2.

Based on the awesome work done by Poullet in atlasclient

Get started

>>> from atlasclient.client import Atlas
>>> client = Atlas('<>', port=21000, username='admin', password='admin')
>>> client.entity_guid(<guid>).status
>>> params = {'typeName': 'DataSet', 'attrName': 'name', 'attrValue': 'data', 'offset': '1', 'limit':'10'}
>>> search_results = client.search_attribute(**params)
>>> for s in search_results:
...    for e in s.entities:
...         print(
...         print(e.guid)


  • Lazy loading: requests are only performed when data are required and not yet available
  • Leverages Python’s Data Classes for Glossary.
  • Resource object relationships: REST API from sub-resources are done transparently for the user, for instance the user does not have to know that it needs to trigger a different REST request for getting the classifications of a specific entity.

TODO features

  • allow multiprocessing
  • Implement Caching
  • Apply Data Classes to all entity types. For now only Glossary endpoints are using it.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.